The benchmark KOSPI dropped 0.9% to around 2,523 points on Thursday, reversing a solid 1.2% gain in the previous session, after advance estimates for Q4 GDP results missed forecasts. South Korea’s economy grew just 0.1% in Q4, the same pace as the previous quarter but missing the 0.2% forecast, while the annual growth reached 1.2%, below the expected 1.4% and marking the slowest since Q2 2023. Meanwhile, losses were limited by Wall Street's overnight rally on strong earnings and corporate developments amid Trump's policy shifts. In corporate news, SK Hynix posted a record quarterly profit of 8.1 trillion won, surpassing Samsung Electronics for the first time, driven by strong demand for AI-focused high-bandwidth memory chips. Despite this, the chip giant plunged 4.2%, while its rival Samsung Electronics slipped 1.3%. Other notable losses were seen among battery and auto makers, such as LG Energy Solutions (-1.3%), Hyundai Motor (-0.7%), Kia Corp (-1%), and Samsung SDI (-1.9%).