CAC 40指数周一暴跌1.6%,至7824点,追随特朗普总统对加拿大、墨西哥和中国征收关税后的全球抛售,同时也暗示欧盟和英国可能是下一个。上周末,特朗普兑现了他的承诺,对加拿大和墨西哥进口商品征收25%的关税,同时对中国商品征收10%的关税,该关税将于周二生效。与此同时,欧盟誓言要做出坚定回应。在国内,法国总理弗朗索瓦·贝鲁寻求利用特殊的宪法权力在周一通过2025年预算,这一大胆举措可能会在不到一年的时间里推翻法国的第三届政府。大多数股票都面临压力,Stellantis NV领跌,暴跌5.9%。意法半导体紧随其后,下跌4.5%,Teleperformance下跌3.8%,开云集团下跌3.7%。另一方面,家乐福和Orange是唯一上涨的公司,分别上涨0.3%和0.1%。
The CAC 40 plunged 1.6% to 7,824 on Monday, tracking a global selloff after President Trump imposed tariffs on Canada, Mexico, and China, while also hinting that the EU and UK could be next. Over the weekend, Trump followed through on his pledge, implementing 25% tariffs on Canadian and Mexican imports, alongside a 10% levy on Chinese goods, set to take effect on Tuesday. Meanwhile, the EU vowed a firm response. Domestically, French Prime Minister François Bayrou seeks to use special constitutional powers to pass the 2025 budget on Monday, a bold move that could potentially bring down France’s third government in less than a year. Most stocks were under pressure, with Stellantis NV leading the laggards, plunging 5.9%. STMicroelectronics followed, sliding 4.5%, while Teleperformance dropped 3.8% and Kering fell 3.7%. On the other hand, Carrefour and Orange were the sole gainers, edging up 0.3% and 0.1%, respectively.