周一,中国股市表现喜忧参半,上证综指上涨0.3%,收于3260点以上,而深证成分股下跌0.6%,收于10230点。随着投资者消化了令人失望的经济数据,内地股市艰难地寻找明确的方向。1月份,中国工厂活动意外收缩,服务业增长大幅放缓。然而,12月份的工业利润同比增长了11%,这是自7月份以来的首次增长。从更积极的方面来看,中国周日推出了旨在促进股票和债券ETF增长的新举措,作为其支持陷入困境的股市的更广泛努力的一部分。领涨股包括Hand Enterprise(上涨4.2%)、Visual China Group(上涨10%)和TRS Information(上涨17.5%)。相反,东方财富(-3.3%)、中兴通讯(-4.7%)和中机创新(-7.5%)等股票出现大幅下跌。
Chinese stocks showed mixed performance on Monday, as the Shanghai Composite rose 0.3% to above 3,260, while the Shenzhen Component dropped 0.6% to 10,230. Mainland stocks struggled for clear direction as investors digested disappointing economic data. Factory activity in China unexpectedly contracted in January, and growth in the services sector slowed significantly. However, industrial profits for December saw a notable 11% increase year-over-year, marking the first rise since July. On a more positive note, China introduced new initiatives on Sunday aimed at boosting the growth of equity and bond ETFs, as part of its broader efforts to support the struggling stock market. Among the notable gainers were Hand Enterprise (up 4.2%), Visual China Group (up 10%), and TRS Information (up 17.5%). Conversely, sharp losses were seen in stocks like East Money (-3.3%), ZTE Corp (-4.7%), and Zhongji Innolight (-7.5%).