The NZX 50 fell 22 points, or 0.2%, to 13,039 in Friday morning trade, halting gains from the prior session, mainly dragged down by healthcare, materials, and energy. Traders were cautious ahead of a PMI reading from China next week and domestic data, including trade reports and the business outlook index. An upbeat session on Wall Street overnight, however, capped the losses following a statement from President Donald Trump that he would push for interest-rate cuts and urged OPEC to lower crude prices. Also, hopes of interest-rate cuts by the RBNZ were raised after annual inflation remained steady at a nearly four-year low in Q1 of 2024. Among early losers were South Port NZ (-1.6%), Turners Automotive Group (-1.5%), and Fisher & Paykel (-1.3%). For the week, markets are on track for a 0.7% drop, after rising in the previous week amid concerns about a global tariff war, after President Trump indicated he was considering imposing 10% tariffs on Chinese imports starting February 1.